RDA North West Regional Show a huge success!
A total of 8 North West RDA Groups competed at our RDA NW Regional Show on 22nd May at Warren Farm. This included 19 dressage entries, 4 showjumping entries and 32 countryside challenge entries. Some riders also competed in the Best Turned Out. It was a fantastic day and lovely to see everyone again.
Congratulations to all our competitors and a huge thank you to everyone who supported us, for all the behind the scene work by the Regional Team, and to those who helped on the day in so many ways. A big well done to Ellie, from Nantwich and District RDA, who was presented with the award for Regional Young Volunteer.
Some wonderful memories of the day below (show photographs kindly shared by Barrie Dixon):

Countryside Challenge

Best Turned Out

Prize Giving

Ellie - Our Young Regional Volunteer of the Year
