Trooping the Colour for RDA at Bolesworth
Dozens of horses and riders took part in a wonderful Trooping the Colour Park Ride, at Bolesworth, on Thursday 15 June, to celebrate the King’s Birthday Parade and raise money in aid of RDA. Riders and horses had the option to celebrate the occasion by dressing up to reflect the parade’s tradition, wearing fancy dress or else adorning bright or bold colours. The event was part of the Bolesworth International 2023 with volunteers from Mid Cheshire RDA, and some of our Regional Committee members, assisting as stewards.
The sun was shining for the ride around the stunning park, surrounding Bolesworth Castle, with the riders passing in front of the castle and their prize giving judging panel. Several riders had a personal connection with RDA, some were RDA volunteers; one was an RDA rider and many had friends or a relative who ride with RDA. Several riders took advantage of a quick canter around the beautiful all-weather track at the end.
Costumes were taken to splendid lengths by many riders with prizes awarded, in the International arena in the afternoon, for:
Best interpretation of the theme
Most colourful horse and rider
Highest fundraising total (one amazing rider raised £600 in sponsorship for RDA!);
Best dressed lead rein / child rider
Against all odds prize
We are so grateful to everyone who participated and everyone who raised money and supported RDA, thank you!!
